Free Trial


We’d love you to be our guest. Sign up for a free trail and attend all the classes and date nights in the current series. Details on timing can be found on the WORKOUTS page. We have fun making our relationships great. Hope you can join us.

Note: Limitations of our system require a credit card to sign up for a free account. We tried to turn it off but cannot. Rest assured, the price for a free trial is $0 and your credit card will not be charged.



  • $0.00. It is free.


  • Read the Waiver, just like at the gym.

  • Register by creating an account with a username, password.

  • Limitations of our system require a credit card to sign up for a free account. Rest assured, the price for a free trial is $0 and your credit card will not be charged.

  • Once signed up, you can attend all classes and date nights in the current series.

  • Enjoy.


Please read this Waiver



Log into your account to update info or change membership plans.