


Are you a community builder who cares about helping couples reach their full potential? Apply to be a RelationFit Coach and make your own hours. You will coach 60 minute sessions online by video conference with the aid of pre-programed workouts. Coach as many times per week as you like. RelationFit strives to offer classes around 8:30pm local time to the American, European and Asian continents. That means you can coach from California at 11:30am while your children are in school and serve English speakers in Berlin. Want to do another class? Schedule one for 12:30pm and you are serving Londoners who just put their kids to bed. The coach role is for anyone who wants to dig into the best thinking in relationship health and then design interactions to help people practice.

Clinical Trail Researcher

The Relationship Gym is "performance training" for couples. Elite practitioners of all stripes will tell you one thing needed to increase skill is a tight feedback look. We need a researcher skilled in assessment to evaluate the efficacy of our workouts. The hope is to use these findings to fine-tune the true definition of fitness, and to publish the results in peer reviewed journals. If you are interested in changing the way the world relates, send us a note. We'd love to speak with you.

Office Manager

Have a passion for service and a knack for organization? RelationFit is looking for someone to help new members get enrolled and take care of any needs that come up. This includes answering customer questions, processing payments, updating the website, and placing advertisements. Want to see the idea of RelationFit grow into a movement where kids grow up knowing relationships require skills just like sports and computer science? Help make it happen.

Subject Matter Experts

Do you get what we are about and want to play a lead role? We are looking for:

  • Psychologists with a specialization in relationships, and a personal background in performance training.

  • Marketers with a specialization in health and wellness or performance training.

  • Training mentors with a specialization in training technical coaches for group classes (Crossfit, Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Music, Emergency Medicine, Machine shop etc...)

  • Legal with a specialization in literary IP and/or mental health care.


Work anywhere.
